We have finally moved into our new house, and we are so happy. I've been without internet for a while, so it has not been much blogging lately. But now the Internet is in place, and I can start blogging a bit more again.
There is still much to do in the house, but despite that we have chosen to move in. For every little detail that falls into place, I can see the big picture that starts to take shape...everything from the wooden staircase to the great concrete floor. The last few weeks we have been cleaning and washing. And the furniture are starting to fall into place. The Champagne has been opened, and we enjoy life
28 kommentarer:
Amazing home!, is beautiful, congratulations, enjoy!.
Ser utrolig flott ut!!
Looks amazing! Congratulations!! Looove the staircase! Enjoy!! hx
Det ser bare helt FANTASTISK ut! Gratulerer :)
Å fy flate så fint!
Heldiggris :)
WOW!!! Det ser heeeelt fantastisk ut!
Yess... gorgeous place... I know I've told that already... but I definitly love your house... stairs combination are great and your kitchen is just perfect with view!! Bravo et Bonne suite!!
Congratulations! Love your white kitchen and the view:) Waiting for more photos!!:)
Ser veldig bra ut dette her:)
Absolutely amazing! Congrats. And more photos please. :)
Gratulerer Siw, huset ditt ser fantastisk ut med alt det lyse og kvite, og så masse naturleg lys! Bra når ein bur på Vestlandet, sant? Trappa er vidunderleg... Blir spennande å sjå korleis du innreier alt =)
I like the result. Enjoy your new house!
I love the idea of the overall white theme. It is absolutely stunning. It provides a very elegant and sparkling aura to your new house. Congratulations! Everything is looking good in the photos, especially the kitchen. Those glass windows grant a beautiful view outside while dining. :]
Hei, fantastisk flott hus. Skal selv bygge nytt hus, så dette er veldig inspirerende:)
WOW it looks so promising with that great floor and stairs.. and so many room for everyone ;) Wishing you luck in this new home and will be checking back to see how it will look ;)
utrolig flott!
gleder meg til flere bilder!
kan jeg spørre hvor stort huset er, og hvilket gulv dere har valgt?
Gratulerer, det ser veldig flott ut! Lekkert med alt det hvite og liker den orange farge "klatten", utrolig kult!
Fint! Jag undrar om det är Årsta luckorna du har valt? Och vad det är för typ av bänkskiva i köket?
Kakel till det?
Betonggolven hur har ni behandlat dom?
Hälsn en läsare.
Tusentakk forhyggelige kommentarer :)
Stine K: Huset er rundt 350m2, og gulvet kommer fra Pasavværk (douglas gran) http://www.pasavvaerk.dk/home.php
Anonym: Ja det er Årstad, og benkeplaten er 100 % akryl fra IKEA, vi har ikke kakel /fliser på kjøkkenet :)
I LOVE the wooden staircase :) So beautiful!
You've such a beautiful house!
And I love your blog.
I check it out a couple of times a week :-)
Can you please tell me what kind of vacuumcleaner you have?
It's looking lovely! Congrats to you both :)
ser superfint ut! knallflott trapp
Congrats on the new home! It’s looking really good. I think the white really opens up the entire space. I know moving in and fixing everything up can be quite tedious, but I know that by the time you’re done, you’ll really be able to call that space your own.
Great! Decorating your new house is an exciting task, but you need to plan it well to get everything in place, just the way you like it. By the way, I like your kitchen! You have a very clear view of the outside, which would be a great help in passing away the time while you’re in the kitchen. Let’s enjoy Life!
A spacious home! You were able to make your house a sophisticated one despite using one paint color for the entire structure. Are you going to keep everything in white? I can’t wait to see how your new home will turn out!
Wow! You really have a talent for design! I mean, not everyone can make a white home as inviting as this, as oftentimes they become dull and boring. Good job! =)
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