Design for people with a sense of humour. Taking vintage plates as a canvas for text and portraits, trixie delicious brings a new twist to an old tradition, and recycle those discarded left-over plates, giving them a modern make-over in the process.
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Thanks for stopping by the Design Shimmer interior and design blog. You are now inside the shimmer world, click on the things you want too explore, and you will be redirected. Contact me if you have any Design Shimmer inspiration
There is a princess living in a castle far, far away, she loves beautiful design, inspiring moment and good people
7 kommentarer:
Så morsomt! Jeg har også drevet med litt redesign i det siste. Kom gjerne inn og se hva jeg har gjort med gamle tallerkner.
Ha en fin dag!
Hilsen Ljo
He he..fantastisk!
Nesten "over the top"? Men absolutt vittige kontrastar mellom ord og ting.
No skal eg abonnere på bloggen din i Google Reader slik at eg får med meg dei nye postane dine fortløpande!
love at first sight. thanks for the find!
Disse var knallstilige! *sikle...
That's nice! We really love your blog!
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