søndag 25. mars 2012

My new house

Today I played with Washi tape in our new living room :)and I just had to take out a lamp, to get a home feeling.
On the floor in the living room, we have chosen solid wood from pasavværk  and I am very pleased with the results so far.
It was a difficult job to get all the wood into the house, but it went well in the end, with good help from strong men.

fredag 23. mars 2012

Soft colors

This soft colors is on my mind, spring is just around the corner here in Norway ....
Lovisa Ekholm by Tina Luther for Grazia Germany


This images is so beautiful, describe how I feel right now. 
1 images: source unknown
2 images: Linspo

søndag 18. mars 2012


I love this super easy idea.......Replace your IKEA-legs with a set of Prettypegs and add some colour and playful elegance to the room. 

lørdag 17. mars 2012

My new house

Sorry for the bad update on our new house, it has happened so much lately, so it has become less blogging
Here is some snapshoot from the outside, soon I will show you more. 

tirsdag 13. mars 2012


Oscar my sweet cat

Photo : Janne Peters
Today I saw our beloved cat Oscar on the cover of Li Edelkoort's Trend Tablet.
I told him the great news ... but he just yawned and slept on ...Trend tablet has a special page called Trend Pet, here is a lot of pictures of lovely Pets. Have a nice trip