lørdag 5. november 2011

Home Sweden

I love the home and blog of Annalena, her home is now published in the magazine Residence. Enjoy these amazing pictures, and have a great Saturday everyone ....
Thanks for the inspiration, Annalena:)

6 kommentarer:

  1. This is a great inspiration to me! I am an architect who is looking for new ideas to build my next house. I like to go a different way than the American way to expose my clients and friends to new concepts.
    Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful home!

  2. Enig med deg , dette var virkelig lekkert
    Fin helg fra Anki

  3. Hun har vanvittig vakkert hjem! men ikke så ofte vi får se oversiktbilder av hjemmet hennes på bloggen. Det var bare, om mulig, enda vakrere enn jeg trodde! Love.

  4. she has a beautiful home... i just lover her blog and been following it for some time :)
    I really love your blog too... really its wonderful :)


  5. A lovely home. I see it as warm and inviting. God grant me the opportunity to visit this house.

  6. Kjempefint. Og med favorittsofaen Arild, såvidt jeg kan se:)
